Many of life's failures...

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison


Tony VERY Skinny

Tony VERY Skinny


Giving Thanks for Tony's Sake

Giving Thanks for Tony's Sake

Dawn Flann says:
Three long years ago, a Woman stumbled upon a Truckstop, which advertised as WElCOME TO TIGER TRUCKSTOP.
At the time this woman had no idea, that she would find a Real Tiger there, but there he was. TONY THE TRUCKSTOP TIGER…alone in a Concrete Cage, situated right next to this Truckstop. A Truckstop with non stop traffic. Big Trucks coming in, going out..puffing out their diesel and their fumes…idling all night long during the winter months.
This Tiger as we all know today as Tony….left an impression on this woman, that perhaps the majority of us, although would be terribly saddened by this sight, may have perhaps left him as he was, maybe not.
Imagine if you can, this Woman walking up to this cage, seeing what she saw, and then dropping to her knees in disbelief. Imagine her looking at this Tiger, and what her thoughts could have been. Imagine her telling Tony the Truckstop Tiger that day, that she vowed she would help him, if it took until her dying days…..
Three years ago Sky Williamson started I would think…no actually I know, one of the hardest, longest, unexpected and challenging " Fight" of her life. She started a Cause for Tony the Tiger, alone……..
Now we skip to today, three years later, and look what this one woman has done, and look what she was able to do.
I am one of thousands upon thousands that has been touched by TONY THE TRUCKSTOP TIGER. His name, his life has become pretty much known WORLD WIDE. I don't think there is a Tiger loved as much as Tony, and in the same breath he is one of the saddest tigers in the State of Louisiana. He has been on exhibit for all ten years of his life. He has lived and breathed this Truckstop literally since he was a small young Tiger cub. Tony has never had a chance to breath fresh air, to play as a young cat in a open field, he has never had toys or any stimulation. He has never received the proper nutrients a Tiger in captivity should have. He has never had a pool to relieve him from the Louisiana Heat.
What he has had is a Cage to pace in for Ten years. A spotlight on him all night long never giving a moment of darkness and peace. People walking by and yelling at him, throwing things at him, doing anything to make him move so they could get a better look.
Tony has been neglected, under nourished, physically abandoned, mentally tortured.
Tony has been forgotten by the State of Louisiana and its Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries…..but this one Woman NEVER EVER FORGOT YOU TONY. No matter how much she was put down for what she tried to do to help you, no matter how many people shunned her, no matter how many disagreed with her ways to help you. No matter how many times Life through curves at her…she never swayed from her promise to you.
I pray your day comes for you soon Tony. Most of all I pray that your health keeps you well until this day comes. You Tony have changed the lives of so many people, you will never know dear boy….but the impact you have had on us all, makes me believe that JUSTICE WILL FINALLY COME YOUR WAY.

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